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Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1

PRO Asset 5.3 Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1 V2.1.5

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Update 2.1 is available now! More updates and tutorials will be released throughout 2024.

TPS Kit v2.1 update trailer: Link

TPS Kit v2.0 update trailer: Link

Discord: Link

Advanced Locomotion System (ALS) - movement integration tutorial: Link

Documentation (work in progress): Link

Video tutorials playlist (including changing player mesh): Link

Latest update - Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1.5 - Released on 21.03.2024 - Changelog:

  • AI has now free roaming patrolling option (same like civilian preset)
  • Weapon attachment sockets are now exposed in character
  • Weapon attachment sockets can be now overridden in weapon data
  • Added weapon change on mouse wheel up and down
  • Option for AI to now play "confusion" reaction when alarmed from hearing shot
  • Various bug fixes, optimizations, typo fixes, added comments, quality of life improvements

v2.1 main features:

  • procedural ladder
  • melee weapons
  • melee AI combat behavior
  • enemy presets - civilian, knife stabber, suicider, shotgunner, melee
  • AI spawner
  • buddy AI behavior

Download Demo build

Road map: Link

If you have any questions before buying, feel free to reach out on Discord or e-mail!

Technical Details:

Main features:

- Cover system

- Human AI (hostile and friendly)

- First person aiming

- Advanced weapon system

- Impact system

- Melee weapons system

- Melee attacks system

- Hit reaction system

- Surveillance camera

- Stationary and flying turrets

- Items system

- And much much more!

e-mail: [email protected]

Forum Thread

Latest updates

  1. V2.1.5

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