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Advanced 3rd Person Shooter Project Part I

PRO Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Advanced 3rd Person Shooter Project Part I 1.4

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Download Playable Demo packaged from latest Version (1.4) (Win64): Mega or Google Drive or Baidu Disk (download code: abcd)

v1.4 The Gunslinger Edition preview

1.3.2+ (some features in next update)

1.3 update demo video (multiplayer support)

Older Demo Video

Quick Integration with ALSv4 (for single player only, require a few additional step since v1.3, contact me if you need assistance)

Added in 1.2:

Recurve Bow - Youtube or Bilibili

Weapon handling:

  • Pickup weapons, equip or holster them, switch between weapons, quickly switch to your side-arm, throw your current weapon away or replace it with a more desirable one.
  • Dual wield Pistols and shield
  • Reload animations include AR/Bolt-action/Pump-action shotgun/Machine pistol/Revolver/Sawed off shotgun and Bow, more to come.
  • Realistic Ammo management.
  • Toggle fire mode from auto to burst or semi-auto, customizable for each weapon.
  • Automatically adjust aim-down sight animations to fit weapons with different aiming baseline.
  • Multiple right hand and left hand grip pose to fit your weapon.

Creating a weapon with easy:

  • Create a customize weapon with easy, weapon logic supports automatic/burst-fire/semi-auto/single-shot(pump-action/lever-action/bolt-action/bow).
  • Give it some basic parameters, a skeletal mesh and some beginner level animations, then you got yourself a working realistic weapon.
  • Bullet-counted reload available for your classic shotguns/lever-action rifles and revolvers , load your weapon 1 round or several at a time, logic supports revolver speed loader and shotgun double/quad load(Animations available soon).
  • A wide range of customizable parameters including: muzzle velocity/RPM/chamber size/Mag size/fire mode/ammo type/rounds per load and recoil.

Third-Person Shooter Parallax Compensation:

  • Automatically compensate parallax that comes with over-the-shoulder camera

Customizable Demo Level:

  • An easily customizable CQB course that keeps track of your best score. Test out your new weapons and brush up your skills after a long day of dev work.
  • Battle against endlessly spawning enemy AI army, odds are against you, but at least you have an endless supply of weapons and ammo.

More contents will be added in future updates:

  • Weapon and Character perks/skills
  • More weapon types and animations will be available soon, including bow/crossbow/flame thrower and laser
  • Attachment system include various grips/sights/muzzles/Stocks
  • Throwable weapon like grenades and throwing knives
  • Tactical gears like riot-shield and combat knife
  • dual-wield system
  • Full-height and half-height cover system
  • Switch shoulder and firing hand
  • Network replication

Update log

v1.4.1 The Gunslinger Edition:

Added a feature allowing main-hand 1-handed weapons to be switched to off-hand

various bug fixes

v1.4 The Gunslinger Edition:

Features a realistic dual wield system. now the character can dual with 1 handed weapons or a handed weapon with a shield.

Allow the player to switch off hand weapon to main hand and back, this is mostly for switch shield to main hand and gain access to both main and off hand pistols in a pistol/shield dual wield situation.

Added animation warping to support dual wield and pistol shield locomotion.

Added new dynamic crosshairs for different weapon types.

Added new ammo count UI which fully support dual wield system.


Fixed Quick Sidearm blocking TIP and RIP animations.

Added global compensators for GripL offset so you don't need to eye ball the socket location that much if you are creating a new weapon.

Added DataAsset for weapon operating montages, replacing those in weapon child classes in previous verions, making it easier to support multiple different skeletons/characters.

Some other tweaks and bug fixes.

If you prefer to manual update an existing project base on v1.3.1, All patch notes are within "ABP_TPSBaseChar" search for "v1.3.2" comment boxes.


Added turn-in-place for hip fire and rotate-in-place for ads

Improved all aim offsets to support up to +-150 degree rotation

Overhauled quick sidearm aim offsets, now off-hand moves and locomotes with character, a long overdue I know. it may Look a bit complicate but it's really quite simple. and won't require a whole new set of locomotion animation or additives

Replaced many animations, old ones are still available in the deprecated folder, just in case it would be useful for you

Fixed some minor bugs


Remade and optimized the entire project, now it's multiplayer ready

Optimized parallax compensation for network replication.

Changed character rotation function to better utilize default network replication/prediction

Added custom player controller to better support multiplayer mode, will expand on it in future updates.

Added a menu for allowed factions to buy weapon, ammo and body armor/helmet.

Added multiplayer menus to create or join a session, although some setting are still just placeholders, will expand on those in future updates.

New ADS poses/aim offsets with a bit more lean forward

Some other minor tweaks and bug fixes


Added a new weapon: Recurve bow, with new weapon handling logic, animations and AI support.

As an obvious example of a "Charge fire" type weapon, you can "charge" it over time and reach maximum firepower.

Charge power affects weapon's damage as well as projectile initial velocity.

Added logic to handle quiver display and arrow count. When you have less than 10 arrows left, the quiver will show you exactly how many left.

Added a simple main menu level to select between different levels.

Added a simple function to switch shoulder, makes it easier to check the corner

Added functions to check and auto reload a weapon

Remade AI battle level with BSP, more elevation and traverse

Some other minor tweaks and bug fixes


Tested & added project for engine version 4.27

Fixed a clipping issue between right arm and weapon stock in aim offset center left hip fire pose.

Easiest way to update you existing project: 1. Download new version. 2. export this animation: AO_2HW_CL. 3. "Reimport with new file" in existing project


Original release

Technical Details:


  • Realistic dual-wield system, mix and match different 1 handed weapons.
  • Parallax compensation for over-the-shoulder camera
  • Parameter defined weapon blueprint for easy creation of unique weapons
  • Weapon handling animations: equip/holster/reload/switch to side-arm/throw
  • Procedural weapon recoil
  • Slide-lock/Bolt catch logic included for modern firearms
  • Bullet-counted reload system for shotguns and revolvers
  • Shotgun Combat load
  • Charge fire mode for weapons like a bow
  • Easily customizable demo levels with range targets and spawning points for weapons/ammo/enemy AIs
  • 2 playable demo levels

Number of Blueprints: 77

Number of Animations: 444

Input: (Keyboard and Mouse)

Network Replicated: (Yes)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (No)

Documentation: Detailed comments available inside the project blueprints

Important/Additional Notes:

Support email: [email protected]

Discord Server (Under construction)

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