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Advanced Combat Knife Animation Kit

PRO Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Advanced Combat Knife Animation Kit 2022-08-01

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Easily integrate a melee combat system into your next FPS project with this insanely detailed animation set. This pack includes 12 core FPP animations, crafted with care and attention to every detail.

Also includes a hand-textured 4K Bare Arms Skeletal Mesh (rigged to the default Epic Skeleton) with Material Instance to adjust skin darkness and fingernail colors. The included Combat Knife mesh (Skeletal and Static) features six different skins (materials and textures).

Blueprints are setup to demonstrate the ease of which this asset can be integrated into your current project.

Complete and working Animation Blueprint (with montages and blend spaces) and Character Blueprint have been compiled with all animations for quick setup!

Animations are AAA quality with all IK bones properly animated to ensure proper usage in any project. The knife is attached to the animated ik_hand_gun bone, making it pretty easy to replace the included Combat Knife with any other knife asset.

Audio from https://www.zapsplat.com/

Note: Current blueprints are not network replicated.

Technical Details:


  • Attack 1
  • Attack 2
  • Backstab
  • Equip
  • Idle
  • Idle Rub
  • Inspect (start, loop, end, full)
  • Jump (start, loop, land, full)
  • Punch
  • Run
  • Throw (start, loop, end, full)
  • Walk


  • Character Blueprint
  • Combat Knife Blueprint
  • Animation Blueprint (+ attack, equip, inspect, throw montages, & walk/run blend space)


  • Bare Arms (1 + 1 material instance)
  • Combat Knife (6)


  • Bare Arms (skeletal)
  • Combat Knife (1 skeletal + 1 static)


  • Bare Arms (diffuse, mask, normal, occlusion)
  • Combat Knife (6 diffuse + 1 normal)

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

Animated: Yes

Collision: Yes

Number of Animations: 21

Animation Types: In-place

Supported Development Platforms: PC, MAC, MOBILE, OTHER

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, MAC, MOBILE, OTHER

Documentation: Email Support

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