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  1. Melaro

    PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 $5 rdLODtools 2022-05-05

    Promo Video: Here (note: assets in video are not included) Stess Test Video: Here (note: assets in video are not included) Website with Manual, Tutorials and more: Here Version 1.3 is now live. rdLODtools is a UE4 plugin that resides in the Static Mesh Editor. It allows you to easily create...
  2. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Path Follow 1.1 LAST VERSION

    The Path Follow plugin allows any actor to follow any spline path including relative/moving paths. The plugin gives you direct control over location, rotation and speed of following directly inside Unreal Engine 4 editor. Trigger any behavior using path event points. Prototype rotation along a...
  3. BackeLP

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 In Game Cut Scene 4.26 LAST VERSION

    This Tool Will Help You Easily Make CutScenes With Spline VIDEO / TUTORIAL / SUPPORT / BUG-REPORT Technical Details Features: Full Simple Move To Actor [MovementSpeed,LoopMovement etc.] Full Camera Fade Options [Duration,Color,AudiFade] Full Camera Rotation Control Full Speed Control Full...
  4. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Physics Based Helicopter LAST VERSION

    Video Demo Project Migration 1 Project Migration 2 Project Migration 3 Documentation Drivable Physic based helicopter - Pawn Class, made with static meshes and constraints (not rigged and not using skeletal meshes). Basic autopilot (keep altitude, vertical speed, horizontal speed, yaw...
  5. Freeze

    FREE Asset 4.26 First Person Archery LAST VERSION

    Preview Video Bow Grip Update First Person Archery Blueprints Features: 4 bow examples: Primitive Modern Demonic Alien Bow Variables: Bow Mesh Bow Materials String Material Bow Damage Arrow Speed Mobility Aim Mobility Multiplier Sprint Mobility Multiplier Reload Speed String Thickness...
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