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Tactical-base prototype with full free movement and dynamic cover system in real-time
This product provides all the basic components needed to start making your own turn based strategy or turn based tactics game with free movement around the map. Which makes it possible to integrate on almost any map.
There is also the possibility of movement on the grid. That contains both square and hexagonal grids.
How it works time 8:20
Technical Details
Features:- Provides most complete solution
- Full free movement on the level (nav mesh and nav links)
- Possibility of movement on the grid
- Dynamic cover system (real time)
- Dynamic preview targets in point destination (real time)
- Trajectory for the grenade with calculate collision
- Reloading weapon
- 3 types of drawing the trajectory of movement of the NPC
- Overwatch
- Melee attack
- Range attack with different attack ranges for pistols and rifles
- Camera control manager with anu settings
- Target selection
- and much more
Number of Blueprints: 23
Number of Animation: 55 Epic Demo animations
Input: (Keyboard, Mouse)
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: Included