Meshes: Meshes are set to snap to a 1u grid with origins in prime spots for snapping and animation. There are also a handful of blueprint examples to demonstrate how to use the pack's pieces to assemble unique interactables for your puzzle game.
Materials: This pack also includes 5 full material maps, a dynamic paint-mask, and an extra set of UVs on dials for custom overlays, as well as a sample material to show a possible way to use all these, and several instances of this material to demonstrate flexibility.
Technical Details
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)- Customization - Using the pack's components to assemble unique interactables is a breeze.
- Dynamic material maps and example material setup including dynamic wear levels
- Dials have a second UV channel for easy labeling
Lever Meshes: 6
Button Meshes: 10
Button-Mount Meshes: 12
Knobs/Dials: 11
Misc bits: 24
Collision: No
Vertex Count: 4764
Lever Average Vertex Count: 103
Button/Mount Average Vertex Count: 57a
Knobs Average Vertex Count: 96
Misc Bits Average Vertex Count: 61
LODs: (Yes/No)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 1 Demo Material w/several Instances
Number of Textures: 72(+3 decals for dials(512x)(, +1 UV template for dials(500x))
Texture Resolutions: 2048 (Dial Decal & UV Template 512x)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Important/Additional Notes: This is -not- a programming/functional-blueprint pack, these are art assets only. Materials have been tested on PC versions of the UE editor only, but should function fine within console/mobile/VR builds. The Material Maps and Meshes should work across -all- platforms, the Demo Material and instances might not work on versions that don't use the desktop shaders.