- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/floating-ai-movement

Quick start Video (V1.7)
Tutorial Video (V1.3)
The Floating AI Movement is capable of making anything capable of flight, it has built in obstacle avoidance and multiple repathing options for the AI to try when confronted with an unreachable location.
Works with Unreal Engine 5 Early Access!
How to setup: Either watch the Tutorial or follow this short guide.
- You will first need to bring in the Floating AI Movement Actor Component and the 11 scene components for detection into your blueprint of choice.
- Set up the detection components by aligning them with your mesh according to their names: all the behind go behind, all the left to the left (using an arrow component can help with determining direction), all the ups go up top, so on.
- In the event graph, from Begin play, get a reference to the Floating AI Movement and call "Easy Setup", after that you can set details such as move speed in the details panel.
- After you finish Setup, in the event graph, from Event tick, get a reference to the Floating AI Movement and call "Move" which will start your actor moving.
- If you have issues refer to the Tutorial, Quick start Video, FAQ, Documentation, or feel free to Contact us via Discord or email our support.
V1.7 highlights:
- Character Flying Blueprint based Flying
- The Floating AI can now utilize the 'Character' Blueprints 'Character Movement' Component, the use of this system makes for an even smoother floating AI that looks a lot more realistic.
- Basic Pathing system The floating AI system now has a basic pathing system that allows it to follow a target even once its lost sight of it by following the path of its target instead of the target itself.
- Easy Setup Finally no more tedious 11 pins pinned into the 'setup' node, just drag in Easy setup and the system does the rest. (Still have to actually add in the 11 detection locations by hand... sorry)
- V1.71 highlights:
- Changed default acceleration speed of character based floating AI's to make turning less loose.
- Reworked the repathing and avoidance systems to better support the new character based movement system and AI as a whole
- Reorganized the blueprints folder to move enums to a new Enums folder.
- V1.72 highlights:
- Added pausing / unpausing of AI movements and an example to see it working.
- V1.73 highlights:
- Fixed a bug causing floating character blueprints to not change speeds during runtime
- Fixed a bug causing high move speed in character blueprints making the AI not move.
- V1.74 highlights:
- Fixed a bug causing the floating AI to stop moving downward once it reached ‘preferred height’ instead of at the stopping point
- Fixed a bug causing the floating AI to stutter when reaching the preferred height from ground / stopping distance for the ground.
- Fixed a bug causing the floating AI to not ignore top and bottom collisions when ‘ignore collision’ is activated.
Technical Details:
- Easy to setup, no coding skills required
- Contains 1 actor component, 11 scene components
- Can be attached to just about any pre-existing actor with relative ease
- Can be used with any way-point system, or follow any given target
- Is capable of avoiding obstacles in its path with relative ease
- In the event of being completely blocked from its goal it has several dynamic repathing options
Number of Blueprints: 11
Network Replicated: Untested
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Others untested.
Documentation: Link
Additional Notes: As this is a blueprint it will likely work on all other platforms, but has not personally been tested on any besides Windows 64 bit.