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FPS Starter

FREE Asset 5.0 FPS Starter 2022-09-01

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Update: added leaning, full body locomotion & crouching

Demonstration Video & Showcase Video

Tutorial: FPS Starter Tutorial

FPS Starter is ideal for weapon artists & animators to test their creations in a familiar FPS environment.

The FPS Starter features basic functionalities known from modern FPS games. This includes logic for animations in all situations (Idle, Sprint, etc.), combined with weapon functionalities (Shooting, Reloading, etc.) to smoothly work together.

The Animations use a custom Rig for the Mannequin Character. You can get the 3ds Max file for free Here

This package contains 2 weapons (SMG & Pistol) and simplified animations.

Technical Details:


Simply add "FPS System" to your project and under "Word Settings" change "GameMode Override" settings to "FPS_Gamemode". Do the same in "Project Settings" - Maps & Modes. Under Input, import the axis and action mappings or set them as you wish. Set the "Near Clip Plane" to 5.0

Features: (Full List in Video)

  • Locomotion: Idle/Walk/Sprint + Shooting cancels Sprint, Lean
  • True ADS: No 2nd Camera, adjusted recoil, fluent aiming while shooting
  • Projectiles: triggers round, shell, particles & sound. Recoil & Moving decrease accuracy
  • Ammo & Reload: For each Weapon, individual Magazine Size & Max Ammo Capacity. +1 Round, if the Magazine isn't empty. All Empty is indicated by Sound, can't Fire
  • Fire Modes: Fire Modes dependent on Weapon. 3 Modes - Auto / Burst / Single. Memory of last selected FM
  • Switching Weapons: Primary / Secondary. "1" always switches to Primary. "2" always switches to Secondary. "MMB" cycles through Weapons
  • HUD: Crosshairs expand when shooting or moving & are removed when aiming. Ammo Counter with Color indication & Fire Mode. Hit Counter
  • Misc: Slow Motion, Headbobbing, Up-close Blur

Number of Blueprints: 17

Network Replicated:No

Supported Development Platforms: Win 10 & Mac OS

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win 10 & Mac OS

Documentation: 2 In-Editor Tutorials

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