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interaction With ALS (Version 2.4)

FREE Asset Constant Updates 5.0 4.27 interaction With ALS (Version 2.4) 2023-02-24

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What's new in version 2.4:

Added Swimming System - It is a completely new system. The character can swim on the surface or dive. There is currently no death due to lack of oxygen, but this value does exist in the component. Additionally, it is possible to hold the pistol while swimming, but it cannot be fired.

2) Full Rebuild DynamicClimbing Component - As before, there are two climbing systems (static objects or dynamic ledge detection). The new version uses the same animation library as the CMC system, but it is not possible to switch between the two climbing systems (probably soon this option will appear). The system also use the FullBody IK, thanks to which the body adapts to the environment.

3) Some math functions - spherical linear interpolation ('Slerp' and 'Vslerp To'), 'Get Angle Between Vectors', and Curve Modify for animations (you can calculate the derivatives and the integral from curve.)

The animation system is also an important change. UE5 prefers to use the 'Linked Graph' option, so most of the 'Overlay Layer' system has been moved to the new animation plan. Unfortunately, this solution offers many advantages and disadvantages. One of them is the limited access to 'Anim Montages Slot'

4) Changing Max Arrows in Backpack - You can change the max arrows per Backpack (See Backpack details panel).
I added the ability to start the game without a rifle and pistol.

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Important information!

In this version, not all animations will be included in the project. Animations like Stealth Finishers come from the UE4 marketplace - OpenMarketplace In order for it to look like on a video, you need this package, which must later be uploaded to the project (I will present this process in a separate material). Without these animations, the project will run normally.

How to reimport animations form Stealth Finishers Pack to project:
From this version, please do not edit the animation curves, now you only need to replace the damaged animations with the original ones.

Edit (Ver 2.2): I used other animations from anim pack from marketplace - Ultimate Traversal Anims by RamsterZ. I broke this animations but if you want to import orginal , buy this pack , export choosed animations to fbx and reimport to the project.

Unfortunately, this version of the project is not yet stable for UE5. It seems to me that many bugs are due to the current version of UE5. There are many problems with physics (e.g. backpack, physic constrain, physic cable). I managed to fix only some physic constraint components (You need to constantly supply a small force to the component, because when the object is stationary, the physics is broken).

-------> INFO 2.4!!! <-------

The PowerIK plugin was instaled in the project. From now on, you do not need to install it in engine. However, if you are replacing files from version 2.4 to an older version, don't forget to copy the 'Plugins' directory.
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