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Foliage Pickups
All pickups derive from the Pickup Master Blueprint.
Here you can configure:
- Item Text and text height
- Which mesh to spawn
- How easy it is to pick up by configuring pickup radius to which the player has to look at
- Respawn option and respawn timer
- Option to respawn in random radius and define how far the radius can reach
- If the pickup should simulate physics or not
Included examples:
- Rock
- Stick
- Leaves
- Fiber
- Reeds
- Heather
Interactive flower picking
- Only snap the top.
- The base of the flower stays and the top regrows.
- Uses Plant Master Blueprint
- 6 predefined flowers
Included examples:
- Poppy
- Camomile
- Buttercup
- Yarrow
- Cornflower
- Clover plant
Berry picking from bushes
5 Types of predefined berries.
3 Types of predefined bush
Each Bush has multiple spawn points.
Configure with a slider from 0 to 8 berries
Use of BerryPicking Master blueprint
Included examples:
- Blackberry
- Blueberry
- Redberry
- Purpleberry
- Yellowberry
Technical Details
Features:- Interactive Foliage Pickup Master blueprint for all pickups, fully configurable
- Berry Picking master blueprint for interactive berry picking from bushes.
- Plant Master blueprint, to snap the top of the flower from the base.
- Including example bushes, berries, flowers, plants, rocks, sticks, and more. Assets used from Kite Demo for example purposes.
- Including example character, with grab animation
- Fully replicated
Meshes: 33
Network Replicated: Yes!
Documentation: Heavily commented blueprints and examples. Also an overview map with documentation. Besides that an active Discord community with one on one contact with the developer (That is me, Eric)