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Interior Cubemap Tileable Materials

PRO Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Interior Cubemap Tileable Materials 2022-07-04

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  • Suitable for close up and distant uses
  • Dynamic Skyatmosphere Time of day settings
  • Randomisation based on location to create easy variety with multiple buildings
  • 16 different interior furniture varieties all randomised
  • Separate ceiling light intensity
  • Colour options
  • Blinds / Curtains option
  • Randomised blind/curtains positions
  • Light strips parameters
  • Sky Reflection map for non ray traced scenes
  • Exterior panelling is interchangeable with any of you own textures. (New exterior panel pack to be released soon)

The project consists of 1 master material and several instances to get you started quickly. You can easily create many more variations for your project and window frames are interchangeable with any other textures.

Currently supports 4.26 / 4.27 / 5.0

Technical Details:

Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 1 Master Material, 30 Instances

Number of Textures: 12

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

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