- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/massive-rpg-systems

MMO-Style / Regular Style ARPG Project.
This is a Complete Project that contains a lot of Ready Pre-built Systems That are completely modifiable and Easy to Use.
The Featured Images are mostly old so I recommend watching the Video Instead !
Note: If you had the project before Update v2.5, I recommend you to backup your work before updating it.
I know it took some time, but now we have it ! and I will still happily receive your questions and I will try my best to help you as always.
Recommended:= Please, Watch all the videos for more and better idea and details about the project. :D
- - Regular ARPG gameplay style & MMO Style are working together, To switch between MMO & Regular STYLES during Gameplay you only need to Hold the “L” key !
- - Better-New Anims & Functions & Auto-Landscape Material & Alpha Brushes.
- - Optimized Experience: You can use Higher quality assets like (2k/4k) and still get 90+ Frame Rate instead of the lower quality and the ~30 Frame Rate in the old system !
- - New Skill Types such as “Meteor or Nuke” which is a projectile skill that falls on the enemy from a certain height and cause damage !
- - New Enemy Types such as (Warrior, Rogue, Wizard) They can have weapons and attack the player ! any enemy actually can do that following the same method.
- - New Curses for Enemies that they can use to attack and affect the player ! these curses can do anything !
- - Everything is well optimized and Instance Editable ! you can create (Skills, Curses, Enemies, NPCs, Items, Equipment, etc… ANYTHING easily) .
- - Line Trace Targeting and Highlight has been added to Bow & XBow too.
- - All Projectile Abilities "Skills" now go Straight forward on a line trace without jerking around when there is a problem with your enemy collision.
- - Attack Distance System completely reworked.
- - All weapons have Attack Distance Variable now and Ranged Weapons have longer Attack Distances.
- - Attack Distance is Calculated by "Stats Component" with 3 Co-Variables.
- - Attack Distance is now showed on Character Info Widget and on All weapons Tooltip Widgets.
- - Attack Distance is saved with save game like all stats.
- - More Optimized Systems and Gameplay.
- Regular ARPG Gameplay "Non-MMO" has been added !
- New Animations Especially for "Bow & XBow (Crossbow)" Added.
- More Optimized & Organized Experience.
- Smooth Camera Transitions
Note: Please read the documentation Carefully !
I've Provided a set of Tutorials as a Playlist on Youtube & There will be more tutorials soon: Tutorials
All Third Party Assets are either Made By Me or From Epic Content or From Open Sources of CC0 Free Public Assets Such as (Opengameart.org, Polyhaven.com & Pexels.com).
This Product Contains More than 20 Systems:
1- Inventory System.
2- Equipment System.
3- Combat System.
4- Damage Calculation System.
5- Dialogue System.
6- Shop System.
7- Quest System.
8- AI – Enemies.
9- Day/Night Cycle.
10- Skills & Ability System.
11- Skill Tree System
12- Quest Chain.
13- World Map.
14- Mini-map.
Both maps with markers “Dynamic, Static”.
15- Action Bar.
16- Location Entry, Quest Notification.
17- Equipment Enhancement System.
18- Skill Upgrading System.
19- Fast travel.
20- Auto-Spawn for Enemies.
21- Save Game System.
22- Exp, Skill Point, Level UP Systems.
23- Character Stats.
& More
Everything is Instance Editable !
- Inventory & Equipment Systems
- Equipment Enhancement System
- Combat (Hand, Weapon, Skills) & Damage Calculation (Physical, Magical)
- Player Classes & Races
- Different Weapons & Equipment & Skills for Each Race or Class
- Skills (Buffs, Curses, Physical & Magical Attack, Projectile, AoE, Passive Skills) & Skill Tree & Skill Upgrade System
- Dialogue System " Is the Engine of the Quest System & Shops "
- Quest System & Quest Chain, Can take and finish multiple objectives of different quests at the same time! No need to set an active Quest.
- World Map & Mini-map With Markers & Fast Travel
- EXP, Skill Points, Level Up Systems
- Character Stats System
- Enemy AI with different enemy types and abilities & Auto-Spawn
- Enemy AI can use Various Curses on the player.
- Saving & Loading & Autosave
- Day & Night Cycle
- Shops
- Action Bar with Multiple Slots (40+ Slots) & More...
Number of Blueprints: 226
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms: "Theoretically should work on Android & IOS too but I never tested it".
If you have any questions: Contact Me
Updated Documentation v2.5: Link
Important/Additional Notes: All Third Party Assets are either Made By Me or From Epic Content or Open Source CC0 Free Public Assets.