- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/modular-fps-arms-pack

DICORD SERVER - updates info / etc
The flexible modularity of this pack helps you to create a big various hands of soldiers from different countries. There is a smart material system to help customize each arm in a unique way by materials and flexible customization of meshes.
There are 24 ready color and camouflage presets, like real spec forces. So you can customize yourself, and easily pick up new camouflage patterns and colors.
This arms pack is divided into 4 sets: gloves, sleeves (Naked arms, shirt, rashguard), watches, pacthes.
High detail meshes and textures make this package ready for high-quality games and cinematics.
Model using standard UE mannequin and you can easily use all available animations from the marketplace or free animation starter pack from Epic.
A smart material system will allow you to customize each set separately, dividing it into 4 parts. For example tactical gloves for main fabric, additional fabric, plactic\metal parts and elastic mat on hand palm.
You can set each body part with a color or camo pattern, by ready presets or your own.
The package contains ready presets of materials, 24 pieces for each gloves. 6 pieces of skin ( Differents tattoo, arm hair etc )
This package includes 10 tiled camouflage textures of the modern army of the world. These are American variations (Multicam, forest multicam, marpat, etc.), German, Ukrainian pixel, Netherlandish woodland, etc.
All texture packs (of character) are in 2k&4k resolution.
You can downgrade them by using the method described in docs.
The grid has excellent optimization, for the close-mid distances. This fps arms created to be used for FPS. There are ready 4 LODs for each mesh.
UPDATE INFO [13.12.2022]
Add highres mesh versions of gloves and sleeves.
*Names of real military brands have been changed.
*CC0 - flags, pattern textures: https://en.wikipedia.org.
Technical Details:
- Modular gloves, sleeves, materials & etc.
- 14 gloves meshes, 4 sleeves meshes, 4 watches meshes (Different position on the hands)
- Showcase scene with customization
- 264 presets material instances
- Smart materials system (Gloves, Skin Tattoos, Sleeves, Patches)
- 10 ready camouflage patterns
- High detail of mesh and textures \ great optimization
- 8 ready patches preset (UA, USA, FRA, NLD, DEU, GBR, PL, СAN)
- 12+ arms tattoos variations.
Rigged: YES
Rigged to Epic skeleton: YES
Number of Animations: Demo & 5 Hands showcase animations
Number of characters: 10 ready entire characters, 15 ready characters BP presets + 26 modular mesh pieces
Vertex counts of characters: min ~8,000 verts, max ~12,000 verts
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 5 master materials, 264 material instances.
Number of Textures: 41
Texture Resolutions: 1024х1024, 2048х2048, 4096x4096
Documentation: LINK