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Modular Industrial Catwalks Set

FREE Asset 4.26 Modular Industrial Catwalks Set 2024-07-08

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This project includes multiple sets, which were created for quick assembling of industrial catwalks. This pack also includes an example map (presented on a screenshots) with constructed catwalks for reference.

Catwalks beams, stairs, and floors snap together cleanly on 150cm, 75cm, 50cm, 25cm, 10cm, and 5cm grids (excluding parts, which were rotated by 45 degrees. You can snap them by 5cm grid instead).

Handrails snap together on 5cm grid, ladders on 10cm, and 5cm. Also, in this project you can find multiple skins for each set of meshes. For example ladders have 4 skins: brownish-red, yellow, metallic, and rusted. You can see the last screenshot for details.

Project now includes additional layered materials. This allows to edit paint color, rust and dirt color and intensity. To change layered material parameters and layers you need to activate experimental option in Project Settings/Rendering ( under Engine group)/Support Material Layers ( under Materials group) and restart your project. You can turn off it any time, but you will not be able to edit layered materials ( it will not delete previously created layered material instances, you can use them even without Support Material Layers option enabled ).

Also keep in mind that ladders don't have climbing function.

Technical Details:


  • Custom collision primitives
  • Secondary UVs for lightmaps
  • Multiple custom LODs (2-5) for each mesh
  • Multiple PBR Material skins for each set
  • Baked Occlusion, Roughness, Metallic, and Normal Maps from High Poly meshes
  • Example map with fully constructed catwalks
  • Additional layered materials

Texture Sizes (Only set names will be listed, there are multiple skins for each one, also ORM and Normal maps are included. ORM = Occlusion, Roughness, and Metallic channels, which are stored in one Texture):

  • Catwalks 2048x2048, 4 skins
  • Catwalks support beams 2048x2048, 4 skins
  • Stairs 4096x4096, 4 skins
  • Handrails 2048x2048, 4 skins
  • Ladders 2048x2048, 4 skins
  • Floor grates 2048x2048, 2 skins

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Collision: Yes, Custom

Triangle count: Minimum 36on a floor_grate_a mesh, maximum 2002 on a catwalk_stairs_h300 mesh

LODs: Yes, Custom

Number of Meshes: 88

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 22

Number of Textures: 54

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

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