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Mountains & Meadows I Outdoor Environment

FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Mountains & Meadows I Outdoor Environment 2022-10-16

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Mountains & Meadows | Outdoor Environment is a landscape & vegetation pack consisting of 16 vegetation material instances and 9 meshes, and a 135 possible combinations

It is aimed at realistic looking projects and visualizations. Due to its very low poly count, however, it can also be used for projects which may require a more optimized asset as well.


You can find other things we've made here:

Rocks & Cliffs

Sticks & Branches

Medieval Weapons

PackDev Store Page

Please feel free to contact the dev at this email if you have any questions:

[email protected]

Technical Details:

Features included:

Static Meshes: 145

Textures: 37

Materials: 2 (Plant Master, Terrain Master)

Material Instances: 16

Textures: Reference images for quality examples (HD, with varying sizes)

Demo Scene is included to display all 145 variations and combinations

Direct support from the dev.

Collision: No

Vertex Count: 20 - 50 tris per clump

Supported Development Platforms: Unreal Engine, Unity 3D, Sketchfab, Marmoset, and Ray-traced engines (Vray, Iray, Arnold, Cycles etc.)

Additional Notes: Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the asset, need help with something or just want to know more. -PackDev

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