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Pixel 2D - Complete 2D Engine for Unreal - 1.5

PRO Asset 4.27 4.26 Pixel 2D - Complete 2D Engine for Unreal - 1.5 LAST VERSION

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Thanks to community member Meletou1 we have a tutorial series available in French : Tutorial
Pixel 2D is a plugin for Unreal Engine that aims to pick-up where Paper2D left off. It's intended as an evolution of Paper2D and contains everything you need to create amazing 2D games. No C++ knowledge is required, everything is accessible through blueprints.
  • Each blueprint is clean and commented and all important variables are exposed,making it extremely easy to follow and customize.
  • The plugin already contains features including animated and destroyable tiles, flipbook animation blueprints and notifies, numerous examples of enemy AI behavior, a dynamic combat system using raytraces and physics projectiles, inventory systems and more.
  • There is a long public roadmap of features that will be added to the plugin in the following months and years.

Technical Details​

  • Animation Blueprint implementation for Flipbooks.
  • State machine implementation for Flipbooks inside Animation Blueprints.
  • Added Animation Notify support for Flipbooks.
  • Added Destroyable Tile support to TileMaps.
  • Added Animated Tile support to TileMaps.
  • Added 2D PawnSensing Component.
  • One way platform collision solution.
  • Component-based workflow.
  • Almost all the functionality is stored in components.
  • Added custom 2D AI system.
  • Complete AnimBP-driven character animation.
  • Dynamic Combat System.
  • Physics-based Grenades.
  • RPG Systems
  • Inventory System
  • Inventory Bar and Hotkey bar.
  • Loot system included.
  • XP system
  • Spline-base Platform movement.
  • Multiple platform types
  • Waypoint based elevators.
  • Accelerator platforms.
  • One-way and two-way portals.
  • Efficient physics objects.
Code Modules:
  • Pixel2D - Runtime
  • Pixel2DEditor - UncookedOnly
  • Pixel2DEditorPawnSensing - Editor
  • Pixel2DEditorTileReplacer - Editor
Number of Blueprints: 100+
Number of C++ Classes:160
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Any
Documentation: Manual
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