This product gives you a huge amount of assets and tools to create your own racetrack environment.
After purchase, you will get a demo scene that showcases how these assets and the custom spline blueprint are used for creating a game-ready racetrack environment.
Technical Details
Features:- Custom spline blueprint to easily make roads and barriers.
- Landscape deformation option in blueprint
- Real-world scale 3D models
- Landscape material with special parameters, which helps to break the repetition of texture when the camera gets too far
- Possibility to add tire skid marks and wearing on the road with vertex painting (Red and Green channels)
- Material parameters to change the colors of curbs, tribune seats, barriers etc.
- 63 RaceTrack Props
- 49 Tribune Modules
- 41 PitStop Building Modules
- 92 Road and Border Meshes
- 5 Foliage
- 1 Flag Skeletal Mesh with cloth physics (There are 7 flag material instances with different countries)
- Most of them are custom created and optimized collisions. The road meshes use complex collisions in order to make the driving experience as smooth as possible.
- Custom and Auto-Generated LODs
- 6 Master Materials
- 74 Material Instances
- 17 Material Functions
- 151 Textures
- UE4 Packed Textures (BC, N, ORM)
- 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096
For support feel free to contact me
E-mail: [email protected]