- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/rootmotion-ai-movement
Video Tutorial/Demonstration (Coming soon)
The Rootmotion AI Movement adds the ability to automatically move all your characters without the need of a direct player input! Ever wanted to implement RootMotions animations to your enemies to give that realistic look? Well, now you can!
This plugin can automatically move your Character to point A to point B (or to an Actor) giving you full control over it.
To do this we use a new base Character Class, The RootMotionCharacter Class, it adds the basic functions needed and a lot of implementable events to control almost every movement event. You can safely change the base class of your already existing Characters to automatically implement those functions!
Technical Details:
- RootMotionMoveTo node to move you character with rootmotion like an AIMoveTo would do.
- Nodes can be called in every graph as you provide a RootMotionCharacter reference (Behavior Tree tasks too!)
- Custom Character class to use with RootMotionMoveTo node.
- New Events and Functions within the RootMotionChracter Class for more intuitive controls.
- Extended implementable events for BPs.
- No need for an AIController to possess your player character. (You can move your controlled character without switching between controllers! Useful for cinematics and micro movement adjustments!).
Note: In order to work, this plugin needs you to place a NavMeshBoundVolume and your character must be possessed by a controller!
Code Modules:
- RootMotionAIMoveTo (Runtime)
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows/MacOS
Supported Target Build Platforms: All