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RPG System: All-In-One

FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 RPG System: All-In-One OLD VERSION (AUGUST)

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This is the RPG System: All-In-One, the only one you’re going to need, all features of a full RPG game in one Framework.
Fully Customizable, easy to Integrate and Multiplayer compatible!
Use one of the two pre-made examples (Top-Down | Third-Person) or implement it into your own Character, there is no restriction.

The developer describes the content as follows:
My asset is supposed to be a foundation, not a concrete block that cannot be changed

Showcase: Link
Discord: Link
Roadmap: Link
Documentation: Link

Successfully tested in UE5 and will be updated as soon as Epic allows so.
Disclaimer: The shown Environment (MultistoryDungeon) in the pictures/videos is NOT included!


  • Multiplayer
  • Damage System - Melee, Ranged, Physical/Magical, Elements, Defense, Flee, Block, Hit rate, Critical Chance...
  • Dynamic Class System - Multi-Class, Base Stats, Stat Modifier, Skill Tree
  • Skill System - Offensive, Passive, Buffs, Casting, Cooldown, Aoe, Single Target, Upgrades, Overheat mechanic, Modules to create own skills
  • Skill Tree - Manage your Skills and gain Skill Points per level up
  • Stat / Attack / Element Bonus - Scale your stats based on Item Level, Rarity and other parameters
  • Leveling System - Each level up gives you Stat and Skill Points
  • Spendable Stats - Increase your Stats by investing Stat Points
  • Status Effects - Stacks, Stat/Element/Attack Bonuses, Debuffs, Damage over time and more
  • Crowd Control - Freeze/Curse your enemy, change the behavior or anything else you have in mind!
  • Inventory System - Equipment, Requirements(Class, Level..), Consumables, Stackable, Weight, Currencies and more
  • Item Refinement - Upgrade your gear and make it more powerful! +1, +2, +3..
  • Item Rarity - Uncommon, common, Legendary, Ancient.. add as many as you want and increase the Item Bonuses for each Rarity separately!
  • Item Socket/Gem Slot - Add Sockets to your Item and add special items into it to make it more powerful!
  • Drop System - Create loot crates, loot pools. Generate dozen varieties of one Item similar to other Popular ARPGs
  • Interact System (Interface based) - Interact with any type of objects (Items, Doors, Treasures, NPC's..)
  • Crafting - Combine or create new items
  • Advanced AI - Highly Optimized, can use Skills, Stat Bonuses, Equip Items, Spawn Slaves(ads) etc.
  • Custom Projectile Collision - Own Collision Method which runs up to 40% faster than traditional methods!
  • PvP - (Toggleable) Battle with your friends for fun!
  • Save System
  • Widget Examples for all systems
  • Top-Down Example
  • Third-Person Example
  • In-Editor Tutorials - Over 30+ Tutorials that guide you right away in the Editor! (More are coming)
  • Chat support (Discord, Email) and optional TeamViewer(Desktop sharing) for verified buyers with special needs

Technical Details​

Number of Blueprints: 105, Structure: 66, Enum: 30, Widget: 40, Datatable: 8
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard + Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Not Tested
  • Like
Reactions: Clown and hindal

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