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Rush Hour - Vehicle Animator

PREMIUM Plugin 5.2 5.1 Rush Hour - Vehicle Animator v1.3.0

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Rush Hour is a new way to quickly animate cars and other wheeled vehicles in Unreal Engine 4 & 5. It's a little like instructing a stunt driver to perform in your scene. An AI will pilot your vehicle (Chaos and PhysX wheeled vehicles) around your path. The AI driver supports several driving profiles, such as frantic, racer, precision, and slowpoke.

You can refine the animation in several ways. You can choose a profile strength, such as making it more or less frantic. You can set a speed at each waypoint and add an action (stop, stop and wait, continue).

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=domP9beWhS8

Inferno Highlight Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHaNZKxB9XA

Creating An Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2gtUBgdvyE

Importing a Chaos Vehicle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Yt90k7Xww

Rush Hour is an Epic MegaGrant Recipient!

Announcement Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLmzXz_xdcw

Version 1.3 Is Now Available! Notable improvements include:

  • Improved vehicle handling on imported vehicles
  • Recordable brake lights
  • Manual Driving Game Mode DefaultInput.ini

Documentation: https://www.gdcorner.com/products/RushHour.html

Update 1.3 Release Notes: https://www.gdcorner.com/documentation/rushhour/00a-releasenotes.html

Roadmap: https://open.codecks.io/rushhour/decks/47-public-rush-hour-roadmap

Example Videos

These videos contain environments and water effects not included with Rush Hour.

Creating An Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2gtUBgdvyE

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=domP9beWhS8

Race: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxZmJC446Ok

4x4 Wading Through Water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj528qe8KFM

Chase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPgPnuH4xhM

4x4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVhZpfHmm9c


Rush Hour dramatically speeds up the time it takes to create vehicle animations in Unreal. It eliminates the painful and slow back and forth. You can animate entirely within Unreal. There's no need to export your environment to another tool, create your animation, and finally bring that back.

Rush Hour creates incredibly realistic driving behavior. The driving profiles are heavily tuned to create a natural look. Attempting to drive the vehicle yourself with a gamepad produces twitchy and unrealistic driving. The vehicle movement looks like someone is driving in a video game. A single mistake can mean having to repeat the drive over and over again, which is incredibly time-consuming. Rush Hour improves all of these aspects.

The driving is believable and consistent, so repeated runs are very similar. However, you can record a sequence to guarantee repeatable animation and add the ability to scrub through a timeline.

The accelerated workflow and the high-quality driving produced by Rush Hour will allow you to animate the bulk of the vehicle sequences quickly. If there are particular maneuvers you want to include in a sequence/video that can't be produced or achieved with Rush Hour, you can mix and match other animations with recorded Rush Hour animations. This way, you can focus your valuable time on your special maneuvers, either through recording yourself driving or using other tools & approaches.

Rush Hour supports both PhysX and Chaos physics engines.

Orbital Market page: https://orbital-market.com/product/rush-hour-vehicle-animator

Technical Details:


  • An AI-powered driver that produces realistic animation.
  • 5 Driver profiles (Precision, Racer, Frantic, Slowpoke, Sunday Driver)
  • Profile strength setting to fine tune how the driver should behave
  • 3 Vehicles included (Sedan, Box Truck and 4x4)
  • MPH and KPH support
  • PhysX and Chaos vehicle Support
  • Automatic training for precise control of all vehicles

Code Modules:

  • RushHour (Runtime)
  • RushhourPhysicsInterfaces (Runtime)
  • RushHourEditor (Editor)
  • RushHourTraining (Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: 22

Number of C++ Classes: 35

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64

Documentation: https://www.gdcorner.com/products/RushHour.html

Example Project 4.25-4.27: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtzjiyu02yr81by/RH_PhysX_UE4_Demo_V1.1.0.7z?dl=1

Example Project 5.0+: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhazyqahpmz4uaq/RH_Chaos_Demo_V1_3_0.zip?dl=1

Important/Additional Notes: I have a version that works for 4.25 as well. If you require 4.25 support, please contact support via email or discord with proof of purchase, and the 4.25 version can be supplied.

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