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Spline Snake

PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Spline Snake LAST VERSION

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Spline Snake slithers around aligned to ground not doing much but looking swell.

Video HERE
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Technical Details​

  • Spline-based blueprint for animating snake that aligns to ground.
  • Snake has crude collision (for shooting at it for example).
  • Editable variables are - Speed - Scale - Length - path curviness
  • Creates splines and it points in game
  • Static meshes: snake front, snake middle, snake end and some rocks.
  • 4 Blueprints
  • BP 1 = SplineSnake (Drag to level and let slither)
  • BP 2 = CameraCharacter (as seen in video, follows chosen location, rotates around it, shakes).
  • BP 3 = Game mode (standard game mode)
  • BP 4 = Camera shake
  • 2 levels = demo as seen in video and overview for static meshes
  • 2 materials (1 for snake, 1 for stones)
  • 1 material instance (for snake)
  • 7 static meshes (3 snake parts, 4 stones).
  • 4 Textures (Diffuse and normal for Snake and for stones) 4k.

  • No inputs used
  • Network Replicated: No
  • Supported Development Platforms: Windows: Yes, Mac: Yes
  • Important/Additional Notes: No skeletal meshes, no climbing walls, try the demo (esc to quit game)!
  • Explanations in numbered order inside BP's comments.

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