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Tactical Grenades

FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Tactical Grenades 2022-10-21

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++ Tactical Grenades all kinds of unique VFX, SFX and Animations. ++

++ Assets are AAA category and ready to be used for VR, PC and Consoles ++

++ Assets are made with PBR standard with 4K high quality textures ++


In This Pack:

◉ M26 Grenade

◉ M67 Grenade

◉ M84 Grenade

◉ MK1 Grenade

◉ MK2 Grenade

◉ M18 Grenade-Yellow

◉ M18 Grenade-Violet

◉ M18 Grenade-Red

◉ M18 Grenade-Green

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Technical Details:

Latest version supported.

Objects are rigged and animated.

Tris: 8k Vertex: 7k

Texture Sizes:

Base Color, Normal Map, AO, Roughness and Metallic Textures

4k resolution Textures

Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes

Collision: Yes, Automatically Generated


Number of Meshes: 28

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 11 Materials and 21 Instance

Number of Textures: 34

Supported Development Platforms: PC/Xbox One/PS4

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC/Xbox One/PS4

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