- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/weapon-pro-m4a1

Video on YouTube:
Product-quality UE4-ready M4A1 weapon mesh with .FBX source file! Include 4 painting styles with physics-based materials and you can customize your own appearance by simply adjust some material parameters. You can preview actual first-person shooting functions and effects of the weapon by adding the content (Some BPs should be downloaded at https://forums.unrealengine.com/sho...re-coming-to-marketplace!&p=189469#post189469) to ShooterGame project released by Epic.
Technical Details
- One product-level UE4-ready M4A1 carbine mesh with 18343 triangle faces.- Over 50 materials/material instances and over 15 2048*2048 resolution textures.
- Four painting styles which can be customized by simply adjusting a few parameters.
- One rigged mesh source file of FBX format.
A set of assets for effects and functionality previewing only, including:
- 1 first-person arm mesh
- 1 clip mesh
- 1 bulletshell mesh
- 15 animation sequence / animation montage
- 6 Blueprints / animation Blueprints (You can download them at the support website page)
- 1 matinee actor.
Intended Platform: