The Simple Weapon Trace System is a system comprised primarily of one component, the SimpleWeaponTrace_component. This component can be attached to any weapon, projectile, character, or any other intended damage-dealing entity and activated at will to perform traces that interpolate between frames with optional substepping. Sockets or collision shapes (box and sphere compatible) can be utilized to perform the traces and collision shapes can be assigned custom damage modifiers through component tags.
Preview video
Implementation video
Forum thread with changelog
Technical Details
Features:- Tracing with frame-to-frame interpolation
- Trace substepping to preserve arcs during fast movements or low frame rates
- Trace collision shapes (box and sphere) or sockets (line trace)
- Per-collision shape damage modifier through use of component tags
- Trace blocking, direction checking, and max hit count settings
- Component event dispatchers for a variety of hit events
- Debug lines and prints displaying useful hit information
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, F to freeze time, G for slow-mo, P to pause
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: N/A (untested)