Find Awesome Zombie Characters here: Yarrawah Creative
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Please download and read the complete PDF motion list: Zombie Starter 2.7 Animation List
Subset of Zombie Pro
Major Update: Rev. 2.7
New Animations and Features
(Please read complete list in "Technical Details")
All Animations Root Motion and In-Place w/IPC Curves
Demo Blueprint Controller included
26 Animations, - 52 Total Files
INCLUDING: Hyper Zombie Chase, Jumping, Hyper-Attack, On-Fire and Deaths, Hits, Knock Back, Crawling/Transition, Standing Idles Variations, Walking, Slow Chasing, Reaching, Turns and Loops.
Create and control your own Zombie Horde with this set of flesh hungry Undead animations. We obtained and motion captured actual REAL Zombies in our studio! (No we didn't) Bring your undead game to life. Now with Hyper Zombie moves to energetically wreak havoc in the Zombie apocalypse!
Technical Details:
- Major Rev. 2.7 Update
- Unreal Engine 4.14 - 4.xx
- For Engine 4.13 and Previous - All FBX Source animation files included and can be imported with IPC.
- **NOTE: When using "Add To Project" in the "Vault" - The Config files need to be set correctly for the Demo BP. See included "BP Config Settings" docs in “\Project\Source\” (not visible in the editor).
- New Short Loops, Attacks and Deaths - Shorter looped variations, along with long originals.
- New Attack Idles - New aggressive idles, with poses matching hyper-attacks.
- New Turns and Looping Turns - New cleaner turns and loops.
- New Stabilized Root Motion with Single Axis and Single Speed, for easier In-Place implementation - Erratic Root movement has been edited and removed for smooth motion in a single direction and single speed. Better for Multiplayer, no need for complex IPC programming.
- Detailed Animation List w/Documented Speed Cm/Sec.
- "A" Pose Skeleton Reference Stance
Demo BP is provided as is as a bonus. Created by: "3 Prong Gaming"