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  1. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Dynamic Flight with Blueprints 4.26

    VIDEO UPDATE 3 - July 18th, 2020 - Multiplayer is now supported! This update makes significant changes to the blueprints in order to provide network support, but gameplay functionality remains the same. If you do not need multiplayer support and would like to use the older, simpler singleplayer...
  2. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Dynamic Locomotion + Blueprints 4.26

    VIDEO PREVIEW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsYYDN6tTAQ This is a set of 27 hand-crafted (not motion capture), lightly stylized movement animations for character locomotion. - Uses the UE4 Mannequin rig. - All animations have in-place and root-motion variants. - Includes an example Third...
  3. BackeLP

    FREE Asset 4.26 Drunk Man Animations 4.26

    You can use these animations in addition to NPC to place people in the bar, for example. Technical Details Video: Animations Rigged: (Yes) Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes) Animated: (Yes) Number of Animations: 25 Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In Place-23 Root-2 ANIMLIST Number of...
  4. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Dialogue Anims 4.26

    Preview Video Website Updates V1.1 Added 3 idles: Casual, Expressive and Tough Guy. Casual works with most anims. (Sept 03 2021) Production Description Total Animations: 102 + (3 from Updates) 20 Casual 8 Cheesy 10 Creep 8 Elbow Rest 20 Expressive 5 Goblin 19 Hand On Hip 16 Tough Guy...
  5. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Dialog Animations 4.26

    Video: https://youtu.be/1p50E7M6QgA This is a set of 27 individual dialog animations coming at a total time of 2:42. The length of each animation varies from short (3 seconds) to long (13 seconds) and ranges in emotion from calm to intense. These animations can also be used in conjunction with...
  6. BackeLP

    FREE Asset 4.26 Tactical Hand Signals v1.2

    Preview Video Website Update v1.2 added point left, right and up hand signals (December 15 2020) v1.1 fixed elbow, shoulder and finger bone issues (August 24 2020) Production Description This is an animation asset pack that offers hand crafted paired animations and idles: Total...
  7. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Cruel Sword Finisher Set 4.26

    Cruel Sword Finisher Set is included 25 Animations.(idle included) This asset consists of an attacker and a victim. This asset was created based on the linked asset. *The asset shares the Idle with Paladin set. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/ko/product/2ddcc7df589f43779ac5f3b8718ba52c...
  8. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Dance MoCap Collection 4.26

    This package contains a collection of 60 FBX motion capture animations for a bipedal humanoid character performing various dance moves. See these animations in action at the following link: Dance MoCap Collection If you have any questions or experience any problems please feel free to contact...
  9. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 CLazy Runner Action Pack 4.26

    Products Demo Video Project Verification Video Upload Date Update 2.1 : WallRun animations video 2.1 Update 2.2 : Dodge type animations video 2.2 Update 2.3 : 8way movement sets video 2.3 video 2.31 Update 2.4 : Jump Type of Parkour Action video 2.4 Update 2.5 : 8way BoostDash movement video...
  10. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Adventures of climbing poles and moving heavy objects 4.26

    Update Fixed an issue while jumping over a pole. Instructions for how to play inside the map. A set of 43 third-person adventures animations of climbing poles and moving heavy objects no need to re-target animations if using the default Unreal Mannequin To hold the handrail or reposition...
  11. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Advance Cover Animations 4.26

    Discord : Here Trailer Video : Here Implementing With TPS Multiplayer : Here Are you looking to make a modern shooter with cover system? Well then, this is for you! The Advance Cover Animation Pack has all the animations you need to get started with your shooter project. Whether you’re making a...
  12. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.26 4.25 41 Animations For Monsters 4.26

    Animations are good for sharp creatures or monsters. Disclaimer: Only the UE mannequin is included in this product Technical Details Animations are for unreal engine only. I made two packs of monsters that use the epic skeleton. You can buy and use them with these animations. Humanoids...
  13. Melaro

    PRO Asset 4.26 Adventure Game Animset 4.26

    A set of over 1000 motion capture animations for your Adventure Game character. Includes combat animations for both Sword and Bow, which includes animations for Locomotion/Blocking/Attacking/Dodging/Getting Hit. The Sword animations also includes Extreme variations for sword and locomotion (like...
  14. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Game Animation Coll 4.26

    GameAnimationColl is the 1st animations clips of a serious of animated clips collection packs that i will be adding next few months Technical Details Features: Idle Animations Gun Animations Walk , run , climb Animations and much more Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes) If rigged to the Epic...
  15. Melaro

    PAID Asset Constant Updates 4.26 $20 Survival NPC's - Three Pack 1.03

    Animation Preview **Animations can be previewed in real-time on this page** Discord (Support) Accessories Included! Cap, Glasses, Necklace, Arm Wraps, Glove, Pistol, Holster, Ammopouch, Shoes all included! Optimized combined versions of the character and modular variations are included. All...
  16. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Advanced Climbing System LAST VERSION

    Advanced Climbing System Preview Video: Demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DMTox_RMG6c5LZOpLR0hG4VlDdLQ9Wlm/view?usp=sharing Example video with other animations and with ALS: If you have any questions, found a bug or need an ALS version, contact me: E-mail: [email protected]...
  17. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Zombie Animations 1.2

    Preview Video Website Update Version 1.2: 12 new anims, 10 bite neck from behind, 2 crawl bite leg from front (November 30 2021) Version 1.1: 23 in-place movement anims & 6 bite success start/loop/end sequence (October 13 2021) Production Description Total Animations: 82+(41 from Update)...
  18. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Mumble's Action Crossbow LAST VERSION

    Over 100 Animations for your Game! Preview Animations included: Movement animations Combo animations Attack animations Ranged animations RM And IP animations Technical Details Features: Over 100 Animations Game-Ready 3D Model included Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes IK-Bones: Yes Number...
  19. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Goblin Sword Shield AnimSet LAST VERSION

    This asset pack is for monster. It is built on idle such as the Goblin Warrior AnimSet. Preview https://youtu.be/KmU9cifbggQ FAQ: https://www.wemakethegame.com/ Email: [email protected] Recommend: monster. Animation List: Idle 4 Attack 4 Avoid 2 defence 2 Dead 3 Bound 4 (This 4...
  20. Melaro

    PRO Asset 4.26 Female Shooter Character Template 1.3.0

    Playable Demo Windows 64-bit (108 MB) Windows 32-bit (87 MB) User Guide / Documentation [Version 1.3.0 Documentation in progress] (Documentation is updated periodically, contact us through email or discord if you cannot find the info you're looking for) Contact Email: [email protected]...
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