- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/2d-endless-runner

Preview: youtube.com/watch?v=6kESDfTyZ40
Now with FULL mobile support for Android and IOS!
This is a 2D Infinite Runner Game kit in which you must avoid obstacles, gather coins and power-ups with your character. Your character can jump or double jump on or over these objects. Coins and obstacles are spawned grouped in a pattern or individually. The blueprints are commented and easy to use.
The full list of functionalities is as follows (more will be added in future updates HERE):
Everything is commented and the blueprints communicate in a centralized manner.
Extra documentation here
Get in touch!
Support thread HERE
Email: [email protected]
Technical Details
Character- Jump/Multi jump
- Character Selection Screen
- Looping Parallax
- Patrol
- Projectile
- Static
- Special (attacks your last character position)
- Can be destroyed if jumping on them propelling you upwards
- Custom health and damage values
- Health pickups
- Hurt + death states
- Slow motion death (NEW!)
- Low, Med, High (custom value)
- HUD display
- Coin Magnet (attracts coins towards you)
- Health
- Invincibility
- Reward multiplier
- Visual feedback
- Hover (NEW!)
- Patterns/groups of enemy/coins/powerups
- Random/Fixed spawn positions
- Spawn chances per actor types
- Special spawner (single powerups or special enemies)
- Custom increments x times
- Affects spawn chances
- HUD display
- Bonus score
- Stored coins/scores locally
- High Score and coins HUD display
- Idle dialogue text display
- HUD display coins, score, health, powerups
- Pause screen
- Score screen
- Text feedback
- Level Progression (NEW!)
- Sounds
- Animations
- Effects
Sprites: 77
Flipbooks: 6
Blueprints: 58
Documentation: Yes
Tested: PC, Android, IOS