- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/city-district

City District is a full map of an abandonned District with axterior & interior modules and setdressing
Fully Ready for game maker level artist/level designer
Available from the version 4.20 to 5+
Check the video showcase here: https://youtu.be/ae9jM6v-Vc8
Technical Details:
- 3 buildings archetypes (full modular items)
- 1 building interior archetype (full modular items)
- 1 Blueprint to create pipes
- Vista building available (low poly building)
- Metrics Friendly for animation ( (1m for cover (for desk/table barrel...) (1.5m for doors)
- Lots of Different Props
- Material variation for various items
- 28 Decals
- Tileable materials for walls
- Overview map
Number of Meshes: 797 :
- 10 Vista buildings
- 47 Specific meshs (grounds+ ceiling+ specific wall)
- 200+ assets for setdressing (items size are between a bottle and a container )
- exterior setdressing (cables, vents, pipes, ....)
- urban setdressing (Lights, ads panel, trash bin...)
- interior setdressing ( housing setdressing, bedroom, kitchen setdressing ...)
- 1 "old style" building exterior and interior kit
- 3 "concrete style" building exterior kit
Collision: Yes custom and per-poly(Only for the ground)
LODs: Yes for the setdressing only
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 9Master Material and 300+ Material Instances
Number of Textures: 800+ textures
- 303 Diffuse map( RGB for Diffuse /Alpha for Opacity)
- 247 Normal map
- 253 Infomap (R for Roughness /G for Metallic /B for Occlusion /Alpha for Emissiv
- Mask and Heightmap used for some items
Number of Vertex: 12 to 60k
Texture Resolutions: 256x256 to 2048x2048
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes