- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/dialogue-builder

Overview / Tutorial / Documentation / Demo / DemoEditor / MultiplayerOverview / MultiplayerDemoEditor /UE5 Overview
Create your Dialogues with the power of Blueprint Editor. Find all functionality that you need for Dialogue creation in one asset. Based on common and simple developer experience
Update v1.7 ready 01 September 23:
* Localization Support- Video Overview
How to update the plugin if I have it?
Technical Details:
- Node-based Tree Editor connected to the Blueprint Editor;
- No need to create multiple Blueprints for Conditions or Events. Everything is inside one Blueprint;
- Dialogue Builder is based on the Actor Component, so you can add it to any of your Actor/ Pawn/Characters;
- The condition uses a well-known State Machine interface;
- Dialogue Node starts to play and calls Event for your functional needs;
- Add Comments to your Dialogue Tree;
- Clear and easy interface;
- Runtime update data;
Support :
Mail: [email protected]
Discord: Link
Code Modules:
Runtime: DialogueBuilder
Editor: DialogueBuilderEditor
Number of C++ Classes: 3 runtime classes, 23 editor classes;
Network Replicated: Yes;
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Android, Mac, iOS