- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/dungeon-architect

Dungeon Architect is a procedural level generator. Design the layout of your levels using powerful node based systems. Create key-locks, teleporters, cyclic paths and much more!
Please visit our website for full feature list: https://dungeonarchitect.dev
Preview: youtube.com/watch?v=4aNgzmibRIs
Note: Upgrade to UE5 will be free. It's already compiled and working on UE5 EA. If you've purchased the plugin, request access to it in our discord channel
This pack won the September 2016 Community Pick award!
Discord Support: We have an active community of more than 1.2k users. Chat with the devs and the community for active support (invite link in the launchpad after installation)
Technical Details
Modules:• DungeonArchitectRuntime (Runtime)
• DungeonArchitectEditor (Editor)
• Build vast levels procedurally with a single click with various tweakable parameter, either at design time or at runtime.
• Manually design the layout of your levels for more artistic control with custom editor tools (Paint Brush Tool, Volumes etc), and have the plugin automatically build the environment around it
• Design the look and feel of your levels using a powerful Graph based Theme Editor. This lets you instruct the plugin on the meshes and actors to populate around the level as it is being built (around walls, floor, doors, stairs etc)
• Theme files are saved as separate data asset so they can be reused between projects or can be swapped with other theme files to completely change the look
• Supports multiple themes on the same map. For e.g. Wood based architecture in one area, stone based in a nearby area. Override the theme on any part of your level using a custom volume actor
• Supports height variations
• Extensibility: Extend and customize the dungeon with your own blueprint based logic at different level of the generation process
Intended Platforms: Windows, Mac, Android
Platforms Tested: Windows, Mac, Android
Documentation Included:
Tutorial (Start Here)
Video Tutorials