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Fantasy Dungeon 2 (ossuary)

PRO Asset 4.26 Fantasy Dungeon 2 (ossuary) LAST VERSION

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Video: https://youtu.be/1owxpayVy6A

Start making your fantasy game with the creation of the incredible beauty of the dungeon! In this pack you will find all you need to start. More than 220 high-quality models of walls, doors, columns, floors, roofs, web, bones and much more

On the "ShowcaseOptimised" map, we used an instance tool to merge meshes into instances to improve fps. You can see the original non-merged meshes on the "Showcase" map.
There are also two versions of lighting (examples in the screenshots) to switch them use the "Level" menu levels "Light01" and "Light02"

important: apex destruction plugin must be enabled, or some blueprints don't work.

Technical Details​

  • Demo scene included
  • Fully customizable material
  • two different lighting

Texture Sizes:
• (61) 4096x4096
• (14) 4096x2048
• (3) 4096x1024
• (3) 4096x512
• (66) 2048x2048
• (3) 2048x512
• (2) 2048x256
• (6) 1024x1024
• (4) 1024x256
• (9) 512x512
• (4) 256x256
• (1) 256x128
• (4) 8x8

Collision: Yes, Automatically Generated
Vertex Count: Max 107737, Min 3
LODs: Yes, automatically generated LOD for each mesh (different amounts 3-5 LOD)
Number of Meshes: 222
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 13 Materials, 81 Material Instances and 2 Material Function
Number of Textures: 176
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