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Experience, Money, Footsteps, Inventory
Number of Blueprints: 47
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: Most components replicate (features)
Supported Development Platforms: Win, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms:Win, Mac, Linux
Technical Details:
- World map
World parts discovering
Areas (With tasks, discovery and rewards)
Tasks (Actors with tasks and task points)
Teleportation points
- Compass (Replicated)
- Quest system (Replicated)
Take quest from Character and complete it
Minimap detects point of interest and shows you the direction
-Interaction (Replicated)
3 ways of interaction
Hold key
Press key
Unlock locker (minigame)
3 interactable actors widgets (Detected, Interacting, Checked)
-Eagle (Replicated)
Spawn eagle and control it
Detect and check interact actors (setting)
-Menu (Replicated)
Game start
Textures Quality
Game widgets on/off
-Inventory (Replicated)
Items you get from rewards and chests
Items information on hovered
- Money and experience systems (Replicated)
- Main GUI (Replicated)
Delete and add all widgets features from one widget
-Footsteps (Replicated)
Different footstep sounds based on physics materials
-Locked actor (Replicated)
You can interact with locked objects and try to unlock them with lockpick
-Time manager (Replicated)
Calculates game's day month year
Day/night cycle with dynamic light system
-Save System
-Tool that helps you get your map screenshot with proper size
- Map with features examples
- Developer support