- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/mobile-phone-system

Documentation Video | Trailer | Demo | Discord
A mobile phone system with 10 different apps for your character, including a selfie and camera system.
You can customise the Selfie System so your character does a custom pose when taking a Selfie : Check out adding selfie pose doc or the demo to see it in action
Note in order to use the internet app, the web browser plugin must be enabled ( this is built into unreal engine ) if your unsure I go over how to do this in the video documentation in the internet section.
Technical Details:
Features: 10 Apps
- Camera
- Phone
- Messenger
- Settings
- Contact's
- Gallery
- Notes
- Music
- Internet
Sound effects used in this project are CC0 made by OwlishMedia
Music used in this project are CC0 made by Mopz
Number of Blueprints: 24
Input: Keyboard and Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Documentation: Link : Video Documentation on how the project works : https://youtu.be/LIEPEVn0gYU
Important/Additional Notes: