- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/portals-blueprint

Full-transform portals, smoothly teleport and resize objects. Originally made for Unscher (a game in the 2018 Epic winter jam.) to give the impression of non-elucidian geometry or infinite stairs.
Multi level recursion added by Spencer Crapo
Updated v21
- Bi-Directional physics on objects overlapping portals
- Handle higher velocity objects better
- lots of small tweaks, fixes and some optimisation
recent:Try it Out
Demo here: http://chozabu.net/autopush/PortalsBP_demo_2019may31.zipBonus content includes a wizard hat, a custom pawn who can walk on walls
Discord: https://discord.gg/xeBWY9N
***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for December 2019**
Technical Details
- you cannot smoothly push a large object through a portal with another large object (try this with cubes in the demo)
- Performance heavy - though probably the fastest seamless portal system for UE4
- A Portal can only recursively view its matching pair
- Portal blueprint
- Smooth transition through portal
- position, direction, momentum, and scale transformed through portal
- Compatible with Character and rigid body actors (should work for nearly anything that can overlap)
- Wall Walking non-Character BP with portal-compatible third person camera (from Unscher)
Number of Blueprints: 2 (Portal and custom Pawn, though several others are included too)
Input: standard first person setup
Network Replicated: Portals work well, along with first-person character, but not the wall-walking pawn.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows - though expected to work fine on Linux and most other platforms
Supported Target Build Platforms: See above
Documentation: Docs here
VR Support: No
Important/Additional Notes: Must enable "Global Clip Plane" in project settings.