- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/third-person-archery

|Trailer video|
|Demo download link|
|Demo play-through|
|Overview video|
My goal?
After creating the archery system for Aron's Adventure I received a lot of questions from people that wanted a system like that for the marketplace. My goal with this pack was to deliver an easy to use bow master Blueprint. I want people to make a child actor and then just change settings until they reach the settings they are happy with. I hope this gets to deliver. This system is 100% made in Blueprints and is easy to read and expand upon.
- Instant fire or draw?
- Always aim, Toggle aim or hold to aim?
- Quiver, no quiver, or quiver but ignore the animations?
- What UI?
- Controller aim assist?
- Slow motion for aiming or slow motion for drawing?
- What camera effects should happen at different stages?
- Max range, damage, etc.
For the best overview of what's included in the pack I strongly recommend to check out the links above.
Technical Details
Features:- An in-depth bow master actor that's easy to adept to your game.
- Easy to change/expand upon.
- Replicated!
- Damage numbers.
- AI wave spawner. (Basic zombie AI included)
- Controller support (The project will instantly notice if a person is using a controller and it will update the UI to show the proper input and it will allow for features such as aim assist to be enabled.)(DISCLAIMER: By default the system can differentiate between a controller and mouse and keyboard, adding support for differentiating between say an xbox or playstation controller is a bit harder)
|Join the support discord|
Tutorial: Using another player character.
Number of Blueprints: 40
Input: Gamepad, keyboard & mouse.
Network Replicated: Yes (since the update)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac. (it's a Blueprint only project so should work on anything)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, console.
Important/Additional Notes: This pack would not have been possible without EPIC games releasing the paragon assets for free! The sparrow animations make up a majority of the animations used in this pack and I'm really grateful that these were released!