- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/tornado-blueprint

Video Preview:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIRelhoUUuMSHARKNADO Preview:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXgIAPFI0Kk (This is created by combining with another asset of mine, so note Sharks are not included.)
A tornado blueprint that interacts with physics objects, skeletal and destructible meshes in your scene. Comes with example assets.
Tornado Physics:
Vortex Direction
Vacuum Strength
Vortex Velocity
Vortex ZVelocity
Vortex Force Angle
Collision Eye Divide
Tornado Mesh Scale
Capsule Half Height
Capsule Radius
Camera Shake Radius
Tornado Appearance:
Tornado Material
Tornado Rotation Speed
Wind Particle Scalar
Particle Radius
Spline Path:
Follow Spline Path On/Off
Path Speed
Use Spline Rotation
Close Path Loop
Example Meshes:
Fence Panel