Play Demo: Link (2 GB)
Trailer Video: Link
Hex Grid Video: Link
Forum: Link
Documentation: Link
Sample Project: Link (Requires this template)
Discord: Link
Facebook Page: Link
Battle animations were re-targeted from Paragon Greystone animations.
Technical Details
- 100% blueprints
- Square / Hex grids
- Melee, range & magic units
- Passive & active abilities
- Equipment
- Elemental damage & resistance
- Status effects
- Spells
- Big units
- Boss fights
- Auto combat
- Generic AI that can use skills
- Explore & battle modes
- Interactables
- Quest system
- Character vendor
- Stats and leveling system
- Save / load feature
- Fully functional UI
- Compatible with Conversation2D Plugin
Number of Blueprints: 205
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Build Platforms: Windows, Mac
Supported Target Platforms: Windows, Mac