- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/universal-status-system

The Universal Status System is a versatile Plugin that allows you to easily create Status.
It comes with a StatusManagerComponent that you can plug into your actors.
You can also add Gameplay Tags to your Status to create special Interactions between them.
With a simple function, you can switch from Real-Time to Turn-Based and reciprocally!
It is designed to be easy to use and beginner friendly.
Play the Example Content
Download the Example Content Project Files (You need to own the Plugin)
Contact: [email protected]
Technical Details
Features:- Create your Status and fill their values in the Data Table
- Override dynamic values with functions
- Set the logic of your Status with events
- Manage your Stats with a variety of tools (variables, functions, event dispatchers, etc.)
- Create Gameplay Tag Interactions between your Status
- Switch from Real-Time to Turn-Based
- Save & Load your StatusManagerComponents
- StatusSystem (Runtime)
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win64 (Ask me if you want more platforms)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64 (Ask me if you want more platforms)
contact: [email protected]