In this Virtual Reality Character Flying Project you will have a basic VR character with Smooth turn and walk movement with the ability to to fly around with making your hands into a fist to fly faster.
Controls are.
- Press (B) Once to Jump
- Press (B) Twice to Fly
- Hold Down (B) to Fly Up
- Press (A) Twice To Stop Flying
- Hold Down (A) to Fly Down
- Left Thumb Stick = Forward Movement
- Right Thumb Stick = Turn Movement
Technical Details:
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
- Hand model
- Hand Animations
- Virtual Reality Character
- Flying Functionality
- Fly in the direction you look at
Number of Blueprints:2
Input: (Oculus Touch))
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (No)
Documentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N69qi117Xk
Important/Additional Notes: