- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/advanced-farming-system

Suggested combinations:
- Optionally link it to my popular Inventory System.
- Include advanced placement with my building system.
- Use this system on The Island map included in my advanced, but still drag and drop photorealistic auto landscape material!
- Fill this world with awesome Choppable interactive trees to go with your breathtaking landscape
- And of course add some minable Rocks!
Advanced Farming System
The farming system is very extensive and has many functionalities.
It is a fully networked (replicated) farming system including a major set of predefined crops.
The most important aspects include:
- Fully networked (Replicated)
- Growing in stages
- Regrow options
- Harvest options
- Pluckable Yield VS direct harvest
- Crop Quality calculation
- Durability options
- Decay and dead crops
- Advanced Growing and regrooving Requirements
- Season requirements
- Data Table Driven including Excel import logic
- UV lamps
- Sprinkler system
- Including many predefined plants/trees/crops.
Plant Types:
I've created several plant types which can be re-used for different types of crops. The Plant types are (not all crops included):
- Bush (For crops like: Tomato, Strawberry, Berries, Cranberries, Pepper, Eggplant, Lychee)
- Dense Leaved Heads (For crops like: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale)
- Flowering Head (For crops like: Artichoke, Pineapple, Broccoli)
- Long (For crops like: Corn, Sunflower, Wheat, Rice, Fiber)
- Stake (For crops like: Green Beans, Coffee Beans, Hops, Grapes)
- Tree (For crops like: Bananas, Apple, Pear, Mango, Peach, Pomegranate, Mango, Orange)
- Underground (For crops like: Carrot, Garlic, Parsnip, Potato, Rhubarb, Radish, Beet, Choy, Yam)
- Vine (For crops like: Pumpkin, Watermelon )
Crops Included:
- Potato
- Beet
- Pumpkin
- Watermelon
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Tomato
- Strawberry
- Blackberry
- Redberry
- Lemon
- Lime
- Lychee
- Kiwi
- Bellpepper
- Avocado
- Green Beans
- White Grapes
- Purple Grapes
- Pineapple
- Broccoli
- Corn
- Banana
- Orange
- Peach
- Pear
- Apple
- Pomegranate
- This system does NOT include an advanced placement system of the crops/seeds. It is advised to couple a building system if you want advanced placement features (e.g. ghost placemen).
- The controls are hardcoded in the character. It is advised that you should implement these in your own character with the input controls to your liking and implement the triggers in your system
I hope you like the system! Always feel free to reach out.
With warm regards,
Technical Details:
- A fully networked (replicated) farming system including a major set of predefined crops.
- Growing in stages
- Regrow options
- Harvest options
- Pluckable Yield VS direct harvest
- Crop Quality calculation
- Durability options
- Decay and dead crops
- Advanced Growing and regrooving Requirements
- Season requirements
- Data Table Driven including Excel import logic
- UV lamps
- Sprinkler system
- Including many predefined plants/trees/crops.
- Number of Blueprints: 22
- Number of Meshes: 125 (Lodded)
- Number of Textures: 403
Network Replicated: Yes
Documentation (Online version available via Discord or Mail after verification):
- Very extensive blueprint documentation.
- Documentation provided on the main aspects of the system and how to integrate to inventory system and Building System.
- It also includes documentation for import/export process for Excel driven properties to the datatable
- Excel files included
Important/Additional Notes:
- This system does NOT include an advanced placement system of the crops/seeds. It is advised to couple a building system.
- The controls are hardcoded in the character. It is advised that you should implement these in your own character with the input controls to your liking and implement the triggers in your system
- This system is very extensive and there may be hard to comprehend for beginners. Extensive and personal support from an active Discord community with one on one contact with the developer (That is me, Eric!).