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Gore System Plugin (BlueprintExposed)

PREMIUM Plugin 4.26 Gore System Plugin (BlueprintExposed) LAST VERSION

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Current Version: v2.0.2 with GoreSystemV2
Compatible with SKModular Plugin
GoreSystemV2 Documentation (NEW!)
ALSV4 PhysicsAccuracyTest
GoreSystemV2AutoFixVideo (NEW!)

This plugin allows you to simply dismember your skeletal mesh. It aims to offer the most versatile solution to characters dismemberment and damage management (character hitbox damage multiplier).
It is highly customizable but also really easy to use and functions are fully exposed to blueprints!

2x C++ Components [GoreSystem] [GoreSystemV2] you can use in any actor with a skeletal mesh component
1x C++ Actor Class [CPP_Tool_Master] used to create broken body parts
2x C++ AnimInstance Classes used to set correct position and enable physics to BodyParts
114x Blueprint Functions (+5x new GoreSystemV2)
Several assets examples including Particles and Niagara Systems, Materials, Textures

Technical Details​

  • C++ Plugin to integrate the gore function to your existing project
  • Damage System based on hitboxes, each part can have a different damage multiplier
  • VFX and SFX system
  • Spawn body fragments and additional actors
  • Accurate detachment even in slowmotion
  • Documentation and project example
  • Niagara support
  • MultiThread support (4.25+ GoreSystemV2)
  • Auto Gore System (preview use only) (4.25+ GoreSystemV2)

This plugin is adaptable to your skills, I will show you the easiest way to use it but you can do a finest job.
This plugin is also replicable so you can use it with your multiplayer games.
Code Modules:
- KlianGorePlugin
- Niagara (UE4.25+)

Blueprints: +52
C++ Classes: 6
Network Replicated: Yes (see documentation)
DevPlatforms: Windows
Languages: English, Italian
Documentation: DOWNLOAD and GoreSystemV2
Example Project: Plugin's content folder
Support: MODDB
Additional Notes: Please report any bug or suggestion, remember to rate!

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