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Limb Based Health System

FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Limb Based Health System 2022-10-22

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The Limb Based Health System is an easy to implement health system that you can attach to any character in the form of an actor component to manage their health. Every characters health is broken up into separate limbs that you can customize to have specific names, health pools, hitboxes, bones, and more. The system was created with the intent of being highly modular and event driven. As a result, it is easy to add to both existing and new projects and maintains good performance.

Technical Details:


  • Limbs that can have custom health pools, wounds, and bones (can be broken and fractured)
  • East to implement actor component and blueprint interface that handle everything to do with character health
  • Code written in blueprints with detailed comments that is easy to modify and add to.
  • In-depth documentation that goes over every single variable and function in the system along with an implementation guide.
  • An example map with a working character blueprint that you could immediately implement in your game.

Number of Blueprints: 5

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vr0hntlEO-SO2i99RcAYeGk-Erhb3RNmPhNFOZK3Rrk/edit?usp=sharing

Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDqTm1VqH8U

Additional Note: If you have any questions you can contact me directly at [email protected] or message me on Discord at MOOSELFLiES#8336.

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